Huge stock of
360° Images

MyVerse has a huge stock of 3D Spheres (360° images) that is still growing with the community.

The beauty of 3D-Spheres

Fully responsive

FrameVR is a browser-based software. It can be launched from any device that has a browser.

Customized worlds

Worlds can be created, uploaded and customized. Unlimmited use cases for any users.

FrameVR ready

Our 360° images are ready to use in FrameVR as world's backgrounds.

Optimized sizes

Better use with an optimised balance between quality and memory utilisation.


Optimized for your use case


Although the demand for 360° images as an asset for virtual environments has been growing for years now, the advent of affordable and easily customizable virtual worlds like FrameVR has ignited the afterburner on the rise of 360° images.


The place to go for 360° images

Images Stock

We are creating one of the first end consumer libraries for 360° images, which can be used for many scenarios and are lightweight enough to run in a browser, on a smartphone, with only a mobile connection, while still looking awesome!

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